Home Exercise Equipment Has Changed

by glenn on May 25, 2012

Poor weather conditions are a downer for many when it comes to needing motivation to hit the gym. Whether you work in an office or you work at home, gray and rainy are not the kind of days that scream killer workout. Yesterday was the kind of day where you want to stay in bed or on the couch and watch a full season marathon of your favorite tv show. The skies were gray, the rain was hard at times. Some of the loudest thunderclaps I have heard in a while. Try hard not to skip the gym, but if you do, be ready to workout at home.
Working from a home office has advantages and disadvantages. Without getting listing all of the pros and cons, let”s just agree that being able to exercise on impulse is an advantage. While you may not have work colleagues to motivate you at lunchtime, you do have the wonderful opportunity to decide how and when to exercise. You never know when you will need to expend some nervous energy or release some stress. The situation reminds me of the scene in “A Few Good Men”, where Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, and Kevin Pollack are discussing the case and Tom Cruise suddenly decides he has to go and get his bat. “I think better with my bat,” he says. For many, exercise is the bat and when you need to do it, you need to do it. It probably would not look too good to see someone doing jumping jacks next to their cubicle. Colleagues would raise an eyebrow or two. But if you need to do some push ups or jumping jacks and you are in a home office, this is a more acceptable behavior.

Exercise options for the home have changed significantly over the last decade. You don’t large pieces of weight equipment that perform multiple exercises. Nor do you need to build out a room and outfit it with multiple machines. With the explosion of personal training, many personal trainers in the Bronx are becoming more than just fitness trainers. They are inventors and entrepreneurs. There are constantly new kinds of resistance bands, stretch bands, water filled weights, sand filled weights, adjustable weights, and mats entering the market. Every tweak of a handle or material seems to add a whole new level of fitness fanatics.

No longer are you limited to going to a gym or home workouts that consist of push ups, sit ups, and a jumping jacks. Those are great options, but now there are many new light weight, small are pieces of exercise equipment you can incorporate that do not take up much space at home. Many of the items listed above can be slid underneath a couch or stored in your closet until it is time to get your heart rate up. Physio balls can help provide you with a vast number of upper body and core strengthening exercises. And a strong core is essential for maintaining a healthy back. Many of these products will come with literature outlining many, of the exercises that can be performed with the product. A fitness professional could show you even more.

Remember to see your doctor for a complete checkup before starting any physical fitness or weight training program,. A complete annual physical should be a part of everyone’s wellness plan. This simple visit to your doctor can help stave off chronic or serious health problems from developing. This is especially important if you will be working out when you are alone. If you are at risk for any health problems, you will want to know before you get started. Plus, this will give you a great picture of your current state of health so you can do an accurate before and after comparison. Enjoy your workout!

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